Sep 11, 2024
27 minutes

Ep 37: Revolutionizing Womxn’s Non-Reproductive Health with Web3 (Asterisk)

Use Cases

About this episode

Join Veronica Kirin, founder of Asterisk Women’s Health, as she discusses her groundbreaking approach to womxn’s non-reproductive health using blockchain and DAO models. Discover how technology can empower womxn and transform the healthcare landscape.

Learn more about Asterisk's mission:

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Veronica Kirin

Veronica Kirin

Founder of Asterisk Womxn's Health and Anodyne Magazine


Hootenannies are informal gatherings where folk musicians would jam in front of a crowd. In the same spirit, we like to bring together blockchain innovators, lawyers, technologists and policymakers for laid-back conversations on the regulatory landscape of Web3.