The Owl Explains Hootenanny

Ep 7: Can blockchain solve AI's trust problem?
AI is taking the world by storm, but the opaque nature of its algorithms has also raised concerns about the reliability and the fairness of the output it generates, as well as the potential for the technology itself to be used for malicious purposes. There is a trust issue for artificial intelligence which needs to be resolved – not only for ethical reasons, but also because regulators need to look into AI’s "black boxes" to understand how they work. Thanks to its transparent, open-source nature and its strong focus on auditability, blockchain has the potential to act as a decentralized, encryption-based guardrail for AI systems. Listen to Shawn Helms, co-head of McDermott Will & Emery’s technology and outsourcing practice, discuss the intersection of AI and blockchain with: Anne Gressel, Associate at Debevoise & Plimpton and member of its fintech and technology practice; Erwin Voloder, Head of Policy at the European Blockchain Association, and Kai Zenner, Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for Member of the European Parliament Axel Voss.

Ep 5: What is a Subnet?
Blockchain still faces a number of different technology bottlenecks that are related to the complexity of its underlying infrastructure, its scalability, and the speed of its consensus mechanisms. Subnets are part of Ava Labs’ innovative approach to solve these issues. By taking a blockchain and splitting it into multiple parallel blockchains that operate at the same time and within the same ecosystem, subnets make it possible for anyone to create their own blockchain, tweak it to whatever project, and have it comply with possible any regulatory framework. Our wise owl Sylvia Sanchez, Product Manager at Owl Explains, talks with Connor Daly, Software Engineer at Ava Labs – also known as the man with the most cats in crypto – about the advantages of subnets, how easy and quick it can be to start one, and how they ultimately contribute to increasing further adoption and spurring further innovation. Plus, Connor gives us a glimpse into his pet feeding routines and his plans for enlarging the extended family to more foster animals.